Friday, February 8, 2013

Fitness Fridays

I am in desperate need of some abs.  I am sure I still have them, they just resemble a pair of panty hose AFTER you wear them.  You realize having children will take all your energy, time and love of course.  You just don't realize it will take your ability to comfortably sit down in a swimming suit in public.

With the impending doom of a family vacation on the beach, I have decided to get my butt in shape.  Unfortunately, my two small children make it difficult to do anything for an extended period of time, so I have decided circuit training is the way to go.  Good thing it is my absolute favorite way to work out.  I have the attention span of a gnat so the constant changing involved appeals to me.  The down side is I have a hard time remembering different exercises to do.  Heck, I have a hard time remembering my kids names. 

Pinterest to the rescue!  I have pinned tons of great exercises, but who wants to run and look at their monitor every minute?  Not me.  So, I decided to make a binder with all different circuit training options.  I can divide it up by body area so I am sure to work everything.  Don't want to  end up with super toned arms and a flabby butt.  At the beginning of the day, I can decide what to do and when I have a few free minutes, get my hind in gear! 

I will share a favorite exercise every Friday and update on my progress.  Hopefully I will not feel like a beached whale come June!

First favorite:  The Russian Twist.  Work those abs!

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